InTech, a great company to work for

In 2024, for the ninth consecutive year, we are labelled Great Place To Work® Luxembourg, in the Large companies with more than 100 employees category. We were also 11th in the Best Workplaces™ Europe ranking in September 2022, in the category of companies under 500 employees.

This label is important for us as it reflects InTech’s philosophy: the employee at the heart of the company.


of employees are proud to say to other people that they work for InTech


of employees think there is a family atmosphere at InTech

Develop your expertise

Several initiatives have been put in place to support employees in the development of their skills. At InTech, we consider that work should be a source of personal fulfillment.

SUMI, Scale Up My Idea, enables employees to translate their ideas into concrete form. Take for example the Wamasys Phone project, developed by three InTech employees for the NGO Eau et Vie.
Eau et Vie’s aim is to foster inclusion of informal inner-city settlements. Through connection to drinking water networks, access to sanitation, fire prevention, training and community engagement, Eau et Vie helps to improve people’s living conditions. InTech has developed a mobile app for water meter readings and payment tracking for this NGO.

In September 2017, we launched squads, communities of enthusiasts within InTech.
These are groups of employees who meet together around a common theme and who want to develop their expertise in this field. They actively participate in sharing their knowledge within the company and in expert missions with our customers, and contribute to increasing awareness of the company via training sessions and external presentations.
Three squads are currently active:

Machine Learning






Technologies and practices evolve at a faster rate in our business than in the majority of other business sectors.

At InTech, we encourage employees to develop, improve and/or diversify their skills thanks to a wide range of training courses.

Each employee can register their training aspirations. This enables them to direct their development not only according to business needs but also in areas that interest them.


SUMI, Scale Up My Idea, enables employees to translate their ideas into concrete form. Take for example the Wamasys Phone project, devised by three InTech employees for the NGO Eau et Vie.
Eau et Vie’s aim is to foster inclusion of informal inner-city settlements. Through connection to drinking water networks, access to sanitation, fire prevention, training and community engagement, Eau et Vie helps to improve people’s living conditions. InTech has developed a mobile app for water meter readings and payment tracking for this NGO.


In September 2017, we launched Squads, communities of enthusiasts within InTech.
These are groups of employees who band together around a common theme and who want to develop their expertise in this field. They actively participate in sharing their knowledge within the company and in expert missions with our customers, and contribute to increasing awareness of the company via training sessions and external presentations.

Three Squads are currently active:

Machine Learning Squad
Mobile Squad
UX/UI Squad


Technologies and practices evolve at a faster rate in our business than in the majority of other business sectors.

At InTech, we encourage employees to develop, improve and/or diversify their skills thanks to a wide range of training courses.

Each employee can register their training aspirations. This enables them to direct their development not only according to business needs but also in areas that interest them.

Develop your leadership

As a subsidiary of the POST Luxembourg Group, which is Luxembourg’s largest employer, InTech nevertheless remains a company on a human scale. We cultivate a friendly, family atmosphere through the organisation of events, but also through a network of strong employee relations.

At InTech, you have the opportunity to:

  • perform varied tasks for customers of all kinds (banks, startups, NGOs, government, institutions, etc.)
  • work on exciting projects with the support of our teams
  • participate in recruitment. Become a speaker or a trainer alongside your assignments.
  • attend conferences that interest you, or undertake more advanced training. We help you to acquire the skills that are important to you.

At InTech, you have the opportunity to:

Perform varied tasks for customers of all kinds (banks, startups, NGOs, government, institutions, etc.)

Work on exciting projects with the support of our teams

Participate in recruitment. Become a speaker or a trainer alongside your assignments

Attend conferences that interest you, or undertake more advanced training. We help you to acquire the skills that are important to you.

Develop your potential

Our Culture and Leisure Committee (Comité des Fêtes et Loisirs – CFL) enables all employees to take part in a wide range of different non-work-related activities. It also offers you to buy tickets at a reduced price for access to cultural venues, places of entertainment, recreation areas and sports facilities. Some activities are also open to families.

For example, you could spend an evening tasting fine wine, challenge yourself on a karting track, roll around in the mud on Mud Day, do a torch-lit descent on a skiing weekend, take up golf, travel around Lisbon by bike or even spend a rainy Sunday at the museum!

Each employee can organise and take part in activities. The CFL is entirely managed by InTech employees. The CFL’s organising committee is renewed every year; it is this committee that decides on the allocation of budgets and the activities carried out. The CFL is a genuine builder of relationships between employees.